So Mike and I have tried really hard this month to only go to the store once every two weeks and only eat out once a week. Its been going well, except when my brother and his kids came over for pizza I had everything to make yummy pizza from scratch, but I realized they prob wouldn't want my vegan cheese, so I did have to run out and get some mozzarella and pepperoni.
Yesterday I saw a fried rice seasoning packet I bought months ago and I decided that I would try to make fried rice again (it doesn't always turn out good so I haven't made it in awhile). The only thing that is really important about fried rice is that you make the rice the day before and store it in the fridge. If you try to use fresh rice it will just get all mushy and paste like.
So yesterday I made 1 cup Brown Rice like the bag said, but I added 2 chicken bullion cubes for extra flavor. Then I stored it in the fridge.
So today I threw together:
1 Tbsp oil
1 cup brown rice
1 tsp soy sauce
4 drops of sesame seed oil (this stuff is strong be careful)
1 cup frozen peas and carrot mix
3 Tyson grilled pre-cooked frozen chicken breast
1/2 a packet of store bought fried rice seasoning.
1/4 cup green onion (I didn't have any so I used 6 frozen pearl onions and it did great on adding that yummy onion flavor)
4 cracks of black papper ( white pepper is better but again I didn't have any)
Heat Tyson chicken thro and set aside.
Add oil to the pan until hot (medium high heat) then add rice and onion and fry for a few minutes.
Combine soy sauce and sesame seed oil in a small dish then add to rice and stir.
Then add seasoning and stir for a few minnutes.
Then add the chicken from before and the carrots and peas.
Continue frying a few more minutes to let all the flavors comebine.
Then eat.
This turned out better than when I normally make it. On the table I added a little cracked black pepper and stired it all together.
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