Okay I just started venturing into the world of bread making and today I tried Ciabatta. I looked on youtube to see how to make it and this was the best video on there http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YX_6l2bmvQI&feature=fvw. The guy is really funny and it helped a lot, because its more of a goop than a dough.
The time for a whole loaf is about 35 minutes but I made a small loaf and some rolls so mine was like 20 minutes for a loaf and 12 minutes for the rolls. They are full of flavor but do not taste like the ciabatta I bought at the store, but I did give them 20 hours not the 18. Watch the vidoe its reall helpful. I am just glad my first try ended up edible for one and Mike has eaten 5 rolls so I guess they are more than okay.
3 1/2 cups of white
1/2 cup of wheat [ wheat flour]
1/4 teaspoon of yeast
1 1/2 teaspoon of salt
2 cups of warm water
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